Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles
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Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles
Results 1 to 5 of 5 |
VW T5 Transporter campervan conversion
VW T5 transporter ('04 registration); lovingly converted into a camper van with a fold down single/ double bed, cooker, cool box, tap, rear speakers and lots of insulation. Alpine Bluetooth radio with handsfree phone system. Cab seats 2 passengers (plus the driver). Highly versatile;...
For Sale : £5,500
Vauxhall Combo 1.3 CDTI
A very well cared for van that is in lovely condition and has never had to work hard. 70k miles, 56 plate, runs lovely and has never failed an MOT Full service history, MOT until March 2017, CD player, passenger and driver air bags etc. Available with mesh and solid bulkhead, the...
For Sale : £2,600
Saab 900 LPG Automatic Convertable
M 2.3 auto 1994 95000 miles lpg converted cerified guarantee till feb 11 mot sept leather...
For Sale : £900
Honda Civic Automatic 1.6
2001 (Y) silver 5door 84000 miles tax/mot power steering air con e/windows...
For Sale : £1,900
Toyota Lucida T/Diesel Automatic
8 people silver 120000miles owned since 2007 mot tax pas c/l e/ a/c 2 roofs very reliable, serviced...
For Sale : £2,300
Results 1 to 5 of 5 |