Home, Furniture & DIY

Browse our latest Home, Furniture & DIY adverts. Our classified listings are added by individual sellers within the Ely area. If you have any Home, Furniture & DIY you would like to sell, and you live in Ely, find a buyer today and list your items for free.

Home, Furniture & DIY

 Results 1 to 6 of 6
  • double bed

    Double bed frame. White painted metal bed frame in excellent condition. Dimensions are 6 feet 4 inches long x 4 feet 6 inches wide. Wooden bed base also like new. It has only been used twice since we bought it about a year ago as it has been sitting in an empty guestroom. Selling due...

    For Sale : £50

    double bed
  • large office desk

    large office L shaped desk brown with dark grey top. One side drawer suitable for files. long shelf on the other side for books and plenty of outlets for computer cables, or light cables, etc. In excellent condition like new. Only bought it about two months ago and now selling as we...

    For Sale : £100

    large office desk
  • large filing cabinet

    Four drawer metal filing cabinet in excellent condition. Large drawers, all close fine and it doesn't have any dents or scratches. Overall dimensions are: 52 inches tall, 24.5 inches deep, and 18.5 inches wide. Selling due to house move. It can be locked for extra security and the key...

    For Sale : £60

    large filing cabinet
  • BEKO Fridge/Freezer 700 mm wide

    Fridge/freezer in an excellent working condition. Very clean, no broken bits inside the interior. 4 Glass shelves and vegetable storage containers at the base. Approx Fridge 60% Freezer 40% 700 mm wide x 1800 mm tall x 580 mm deep Always been looked after and regularly been cleaned and...

    For Sale : £95

    BEKO Fridge/Freezer 700 mm wide
  • Dehumidifier

    Argos 10L dehumidifier. This was bought for £99.99,( now in Argos on 'special' for £79.99) Unpacked to be checked but for various reasons never used. For collection, or I could probably meet somewhere convenient (Ely Tesco) to hane it over. This STUPID software insists on at least 300...

    For Sale : £40

  • Fridge Freezer

    White Beco 2 door fridge over freezer. 197lires and 63litres capacities repectively. Height: 153cm width: 56cm depth: 60cm. Stored since new after being purchased to move into a new house only to find one left by previous owners and so it is in as new condition, complete with ice trays,...

    For Sale : £95

    Fridge Freezer
 Results 1 to 6 of 6
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